UPLIFT is a summer camp for students entering the 7th grade through graduating seniors on the campus of Harding University. While most campers come with their youth groups, they can also come individually. Each day, students will go to classes and hear speakers, with plenty of time devoted to recreation and entertainment as well. They stay in Harding's dormitories at night and eat in the campus cafeteria.
Spark (4th-6th Grade)
Sunday, June 8-11
Spark: $200- overnight camper
$150- day camper
UPlift Session A (7th-12th Grade)
Sunday*, June 15-20
Uplift Session B (7th-12th Grade)
Sunday*, June 22-27
*This is a 2025 change. Camp will begin on Sunday-
Communion will be offered during the Sunday evening worship.
Uplift: $300 per person
Registration Opens March 15, 2025
Uplift Registration
Questions: email uplift@harding.edu
The Lingo:
Individual Camper – Any camper attending without a group leader/sponsor.
Group – Two or more students attending with an adult sponsor/leader
In-Dorm Sponsor – Adult chaperone who are expected to help control activities in the dorms and to abide by the same curfew and regulations as the students
Sponsor Housing – Adult chaperone staying in a separate sponsor-only dorm. You will have a room that you share with a roommate (we do keep all married couples together), and you will have suitemates in most cases. Sponsors in sponsor housing help track of campers from their congregation during the day and to also help run our recreation time in the afternoon. If you love young people but prefer not to be with them 24/7, then this is the place and position for you.
Schedule Terms:
Group Uplift – One age group with same speaker every morning
Encounter Classes - Divided age groups in different classes each day
Light Groups – Small group discussion time
Group Devo – Devotional time every night for church groups to engage with each other
The Rules:
1. UPLIFT is a Christian camp and we ask that you be respectful of other campers, counselors, Harding students, employees and property.
2. UPLIFT wristbands and lanyards must be worn at all times and is your pass to events and meals.
3. Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games and expensive jewelry are not permitted at UPLIFT. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
4. Possession of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia or weapons of any kind is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion from camp at the parents’ expense.
5. Remain on campus. Being caught off campus without permission will result in immediate expulsion from camp at the parents’ expense.
Dress Code:
Youth ministers and sponsors are responsible for their group (adults included) complying with the dress code for UPLIFT. You should have a meeting with all participants and make sure they understand the dress code BEFORE they pack for UPLIFT. The dress code will be enforced. If you have students or adults who are out of dress code, we will come to you or a sponsor to address the issue. If there are offenses while at UPLIFT, it will be your responsibility to see that all in your group meet dress code. You may need to take your campers to Walmart, Goodwill, etc. to find suitable clothing.
All clothing must have sleeves (guys and girls). Sleeveless clothing is not allowed under any circumstances, even recreation time. This includes sundresses, tank tops, sleeveless blouses, athletic shirts, and cut-off T-shirts.
No visible midriffs. Clothing that exposes any part of the mid-section when standing, sitting or bending over is not allowed. All tops should be long enough to be tucked in.
Shorts must be modest in length.
Skirts and dresses must be mid-thigh in length.
Skin-tight or otherwise revealing clothing is not allowed. Low-cut shirts, spandex, tight jeans, halter tops, etc. are not acceptable.
packing list:
Here's a handy little list of what to bring and what to leave behind.
Bible, notebook, pen
Bedding (sleeping bag, pillow, sheets, blanket, etc.)
Towel and bathing suit
Personal hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant/antiperspirant, etc.)
Clothing appropriate to dress code
Items for additional comfort:
Hand Soap
Bath Mat
Don't bring:
Computers, laptops, televisions, radios, video games, or nice jewelry. These items can be easily lost or stolen.
Roller blades, skateboards, water guns, water balloons, etc.
Tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or weapons of any kind will result in your expulsion from camp.
Cell Phone Policy:
Because we spend so much time connected digitally, we could all benefit from some time without those distractions. Jesus would often go to a quiet place to pray (Luke 5:16, Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12). We also read in Psalm 46:10 that we need to “be still and know that I am God.”
It is our policy to discourage students from bringing their cell phones to UPLIFT based on the good that comes from spending some time away from our “normal” lives. However, we also recognize that cell phones have their place in society and can even be used to benefit the students and our purpose for UPLIFT. If you are concerned about emergencies, you can always get a hold of your campers by calling UPLIFT Central or your youth minister.
If your campers do have their phones, we will operate under the following guidelines:
No cell phones will be allowed (for social media, texting, calling or games) during any group session, including Group Uplift, Encounter Classes, God Time, evening worship or group devos.
There may be other times when cell phone use will be permitted, such as a group game during Zoo Crew, and the campers will be told when that applies.
Any inappropriate cell phone use, depending on the severity of the situation, will result in confiscation of the phone or immediate expulsion from camp at the parents’ expense.